
 The Yanks came from across the Atlantic

and I could swear they’d given their boys a fix,

For how did a black man – Herr Owens from Oakville, Alabama,

Who raced dogs for cents and tricks,

Score gold after gold,

in Berlin in 1936?!

They called him the “Buckeye Bullet” in Ohio,

you see,

And he also raced bikes and horses,

for a fee,

That he was snubbed by Roosevelt,

True though it may be,

Both Franklin and Adolf mattered little

as both did watch and see:

The Swastikas fluttered full breadth,

JC sighted the long jump,

Beat by beat, his hearth did pump,

As the world held its breath.

Thud thud,

Thud thud,

Thud thud,

Thud thud.

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